@people who follow me (read)


01.12.2019 01:03
LinkI mean, it's super obvious.
But I wanted to tell you when I was ready.

01.12.2019 01:05
LinkYes, you know who I am.
I left the you-know-who account because of drama I couldn't escape/involved myself in
So I -- made this
I tested a few art styles / things before I settled on this one, which was inspired by Vewn.
I didn't even change one of my characters, just made them stand up and do heroine. edgy, right?

01.12.2019 01:06
LinkMy main persona is
You guessed it
Rizzy, the bunny girl on the anim above this.
It's obvious, but I was hoping no one would say anything. I wanted to wait till i was ready. I wanted to kinda lay low.

yeah i get it, but im happy you just didnt leave fa completely. like due ur one of my best friends and one of my greatset inspirations.
im sorry that this site is so shitty that you cnat even go onto your main account. some people just need to take a shit on their own bed and sleep in it. i hope you feel better
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