24.01.2019 00:25
Linkmy sister has been wanting a kitten for a while now and now she has got one and she loves it so much. She's a little black kitten. We haven't really decided on a name but we mostly call her "Luna, KitKat, or just kitty." My sister calls her "Honey, Sugar, Baby, Sweetie" and all that. :l Same for the dog, we just call him "Puppy or James" because he's a year old and he's a somewhat small dog. I think the naming thing isn't figured out. Anyway, the kitty has gotten bigger and my sister somehow got the idea to start bringing her into the house. Now my mom definitely doesn't like any pet in the house so when me and my sister are home alone, she brings her inside and plays with her and almost every chance she gets. Mostly late at night, she brings her in too. We have done it so much that the cat gotten used to the house and is only friendly when she is brought inside. Outside, she is a little nice, but doesn't like to be petted much. Also my mom tells my sister to bring her laptop in the living room because she c
24.01.2019 00:26
Linkcan't play on it at bedtime. But she tries every way to hide it so she can play on it later. She sometimes plays on the laptop after she had bring her cat inside. She's not exactly the type of kid that is civilized. I just hope that she doesn't get caught with the cat in the house.
24.01.2019 00:27
LinkI have kitty that is a black one with yellow eyes,
Her name is scarlet uwu
I won't mind if you guys name is scarlet uwu
( just giving you an idea
24.01.2019 01:39