Hot milk meme(slower I think.)


17.12.2019 03:55

17.12.2019 03:57
Linkbtw i used Kyle.

(unrelated but you asked how to get a file so I'm posting it here for a better chance of you seeing it)
so first you have to make part of an animation and download it as a file (attached anim is instructions on how to get a file)
After that, you post the anim (usually with the title "Collab?" or something like that) and post the link to the file in the comments (upload the file to a place like so you can link it)
If you want to get the part of the collab someone already made, they need to have a file linked in the comments. If they do, copy+paste/click the link and download the file. Then, when you're in the animator, click the little gear, then click 'upload file' and upload the anim file! The file should be a .flp for it to work.
Hope this helps!