All The amazing animators!


Its all in your head. . .


Illegal Pig Flying

Slugs-snails love is canon



23.02.2019 00:43
LinkSo uhm I'm currently in a car. It is almost 8(technically 9 for me since my time zone changed) and ugh I've been talking to my crush about how my mom figured out I was gay and how she would probably support me, but would also be scared because my Dads side of the family would disown me, when my crush said something that ****ing hurts.
'Lifes way too short for shit like that's
BUt tHaNkS aNxIeTy
So uhm then I started thinking about how I should confess to her and I think I'm going to do it at the end of the school year because next year we are all gonna be split up and if I **** everything up, then we wont have to see each other.
All though if I dont I guess I'm gonna still be ****ed.
Whatever. I'm tired.