Wait a sec it's important-ish


17.04.2018 16:15
LinkSo Jeoncook's post reminded me, I'm going to be pretty inactive during summer break because I also draw on a school laptop. I do have an ipad as some of you may know but it's hard to draw on here with it so I'll probably avoid posting. I'll probably come on and interact in short bursts, then go back into my cave.
As for my other social medias, I have a LOT of tumblrs so I'll just list my main two, Dreamscaper666(My main blog) and Yaboys****indizzy(My art blog). My gmail is Dreamscaper666@gmail.com. I'm on a bunch of aminos with a bunch of different names so if you want to find me there you should ask me who I am through email or something. My medibang is dreamscaper and I'll get my discord thing later(I'm almost never on but that could change)

17.04.2018 16:16
LinkOof I just don't want to abandon you guys

17.04.2018 16:23
LinkYou don't have to try to contact me on all of those I don't think I'D even have time for that, just one or two is fine if you want to stay in contact. Also I'm not sure what media people use most here so I listed all of them. Also if you like my art then I mainly post in a couple of those places.