

03.12.2017 17:58
Linki'll tell you this our whole lives have been we have been depending on people, and the church has been giving us money because we are so poor. God is trying to break our pride and to rely on people and him. it's okay to be taken care of because that's what he does because he is good father he will provide for us. and God can't stand prideful people. By your logic why should you rely on your parents? Do they make you weak? no it's not weakness it's a good heart, and i'm not saying don't do anything in your life because God will take care of you, no. you need to have a life and make your decisions in your life so your not just a machine that needs oiling from time to time. i hope this made sense to you i just hate it when my fellow siblings doesn't know the truth of God's love ^_^

03.12.2017 18:04
LinkMost of that was encouraging but the fact I don't have religion makes it hard to believe

03.12.2017 18:13
Linkiv'e learned everyone has a religion in their own way. be evolution, your parents, or even just being a bad person because everyone in there lives have always asked. why am i here? what is my purpose? and who made all of this. and the reason why everyone a christian is because God blinds them because how lame would it be if God just forced you to believe in him! he wants it to be genuine curiosity to take off that blind fold and see the truth for himself. it's like if Indiana Jones just got all the artifacts when ever he wanted! there would be no movie or adventure! and it makes me so happy to help people take off that blindfold and see the world in a clean perspective. kinda like having a blind little brother and you find a way to cure his blindness. i feel like it's my goal in life to do so. and as you can see i'm very passionate about God XD

03.12.2017 18:30
Link*why everyone doesn't became a Christian is because God blinds them