i hate my family
14.05.2018 01:49
Linkbri have you had a bad weekend to
14.05.2018 01:50
Linkidk why i put to i had a good weekend
14.05.2018 01:51
Linkwell sorta but thats not important whats going on with you
14.05.2018 01:56
Linkplease dont hate your family one day you may wake up to your father leaving and him sayings he be back soon but never comeback and then have the cops be taking you away from you home
14.05.2018 02:01
Linki sorry i say that
14.05.2018 02:35
LinkBraylynn it's alright its just during certain times I and other people don't realise what we just said could be the last time we said something to them
14.05.2018 11:46
Linkik its just i saw my biological father and it seem like it doesn't even bother him that 8 of his kids have been taken away i like the family i am with but he is ,y biological father
14.05.2018 13:10
Linkya my dad said he was going to hit my mom if she touched his one and throw my brother phone and it shaded he was mad he said if you want to talk shit then you can leave my mom got her stuff and left
14.05.2018 14:30
Linkyeah well i dont like talking about this so i am going to stop
14.05.2018 14:31
Linkyeah well i dont like talking about this so i am going to stop