Weird arguments w/ my sis
13.08.2018 21:15
LinkMe and her argued over weather waluigi was Luigi or waluigi (don’t judge me ok)
13.08.2018 21:16
LinkWe get in arguments all the time over her age and size. If i call her her actual age she gets mad at me and says she’s older, when I call her big we fight over weather she’s big or small
13.08.2018 21:18
LinkSometimes we get in dumb “NO YOU!” Fights over us teasing each other. One of us will be teasing each other and one of us will say stop and the other says “no you” and the whole fight is just “no you!”
13.08.2018 21:19
LinkWe argue over my favorite color. She thinks it’s blue, but I like indego, so we get mad and argue
13.08.2018 21:20
LinkWe have the typical poking fights
13.08.2018 21:21
LinkWe fight over who the best character in whatever we’re talking about is. The main one is how I like Luigi from Nintendo, and she likes mario
13.08.2018 21:23
LinkMy sister always hogs the turns in all the games so she constantly screams that it’s her turn when I play
13.08.2018 21:24
LinkSometimes I’ll just poke her and it slowly moves from “stop it!” To full on fights
13.08.2018 21:25
LinkShe always says that mom belongs to her and dad belongs to me, and gets triggered when I say they’re both of our parents
13.08.2018 21:27
LinkShe says that she isn’t a girl, she’s a sister (she actually says “I’m not a girl I’m-“ and then she says her name but I won’t say her name)
13.08.2018 21:27
LinkShe gets mad when she isn’t allowed to scribble on my flipanim drawings
13.08.2018 21:28
LinkAnd sometimes we just attack each other for no reason, and then it turns into to screaming bloody murder at each other while fighting
13.08.2018 21:30
LinkAnd there’s always the fight when I tattle on her to my dad in front of her. She yells at me that she didn’t do it
13.08.2018 21:32
LinkThen there is when she shoves food in my face and tries to force me to eat it. That always sparks drama
13.08.2018 21:35
LinkThose are random ones I scraped off of the top of my head, but there are WAY more stupid things we fight over, like me laughing at something random and her yelling at me that “ it’s not funny “ for no reason. But ya.... having a sister is weird