04.09.2019 17:59
Linklook... i get it ya'll are just oppinionated kids but BRUH
y u gotta go around and nag others with oppinions... like seriously someone is kinda a prick.. yes... they are homophobic or what not what ever but like.... dude do you have to be soo rude about it like.. IF U HATE THEM SO DAMN MUCH JUST LEAVE THEM TF ALONE... and if someone is religeous or something and you go on a huge rant over why this person should get banned or something... that is just stupid and childish..
i mean like im younger than most people on here and do you see me running around screaming in peoples face because there athiests or something.. NO i just try to reason with em and if they dont listen i just ignore them EASY AS THAT
but seriiously do you thing FA likes going on and finding 50,000 small children fighting over someones oppinion probably not so just stop

04.09.2019 18:01
Linki mean if there raised that way you can't fix it.. i mean there families were probably raised the same way and its none of ur buisness on how people should act and what oppinions they should have