

14.02.2018 14:29
Linkoh man here goes more drama.

14.02.2018 14:30
Linkwere back at it again aren't we.

Really? Are you kidding me? I've tried to put up with you and I've tried being nice which results in you being fine with me, but the drama with Crybaby and What-Did-I-Miss is just something that needs to stop, and anyone else you threaten for the matter, If you're going to make people join your side then act like a good person, what defines a good person is someone who doesn't overreact at hate, someone who doesn't fuel drama to keep it going, telling people to kill themself is ****ing wrong and I regret doing it myself. For the sake of people get your act together. I'm getting sick of all the drama

Tbh illusion is right all I see from you is you starting drama then trying to backpedal with getting attention and talking about how hard your life is and how you’re the victim, even though you started all of this. And now you’re mad that we’re done falling for your crap and won’t see you as a victim anymore. Stop starting drama, stay out of other people’s business, and stop crying victim when you’re caled out for it.