02.07.2019 03:37
LinkI guess I owe you guys an explaination?
I'm scared
I've fallen in love so damn times and it always turns out hurtful. I always end up crying begging for the person to come back. I'm scared of losing Wheatley. I'm so ****ing scared. My legs shake in fear because I couldn't handle it. I can't ever handle it. All I want is Wheatley to be happy. I keep on thinking that she would be better with someone else. Someone who can make her smile unlike me because I'm making her sad rn. This all started because...
It doesnt matter
all I want to do is just die
the world would be better with me dead
I am just some worthless, fat ugly girl lol
Sorry for venting. I usually have them private so no one knows..
Just ignore all my past anims please :')
Hi, probably too late to say this. But I understand, it probably seems like a lie to you, or that I'm just saying this to make you feel better. But I'm really not, its happened to me so much that at this point I don't want anything but to be alone. Express and believe in yourself if you want to make it better, i look back at my past and see those where the only mistakes i made. Don't end up like me, for the sake of both of us. We have learned from our childhood that fears come and go. When we were afraid of the dark we got over it, this is just going to get harder as we get older, and the hurtles will get taller, but all we can do is jump over them. And you've come so far, you cant just give up. If this didn't help just remember there's more than one person to turn to.