For something~


26.07.2019 18:02
LinkI'm so crap at making cats! This is SO bad! Shadowpaw's pelt is practically my first attempt at a striped cat. And don't get me started about Yellowpaw! I'm not the best at Calico... Mousepaw was pretty simple, his fur color wasn't as complex as Shadowpaw and Yellowpaw's fur pattern. Anyways...
Mousepaw is a very noble cat, very calm and protective of his clan and siblings. After his mother had been killed, he, as the eldest of his siblings, wants to protect them at all costs.
Shawdowpaw is a fierce apprentice that strives to be the best. Although his siblings are very sweet and loving, he is the exact opposite and hates the thought of affection. After his mother was killed in battle, he tries to avoid contact with much emotion. Even though he might seem rough on the outside, there's a loving cat deep down under his dark fur.
Yellowpaw is a very sweet energetic young cat. She enjoys spreading love around the clan when nobody else is around to volunteer. She gets a lot of her motives from her mothe

26.07.2019 18:04