The Akunathen
15.12.2019 23:59
LinkAkunathen (A-coo-NAY-then)
A mysterious creature, resembling a mix between a wolf and a lion. It is known to carry many special powers. Some say that it's antlers make great healing remedies. Others say that it's mane is the most soothing and warmest thing you will ever feel. Under unknown circumstances, Akunathens will be seen with a partial ring behind their head. It seems to be controlled by them as their antlers glow whenever the ring is present. It has been guessed by some that the ring appears whenever the Akunathen feels a high emotion. While Akunathens are heavily mysterious, it has been found out that there are males and females, with females having shorter antlers without spikes and not possessing a mane. Female Akunathens are also slightly more "indigo-ish blue" in color.