guess im not aloud to do anyt-
03.07.2019 18:03
Link-hing on this ****ing websight becuase there gotta be someone who is copying, ruining, complaining, etc, about my art. So i came here to do art and no one is letting me. Im sick of people at this point
03.07.2019 18:04
LinkJust change the eyes and the nose and then boom you got yourself an artstyle.
03.07.2019 18:05
Linkits okay! it'll all blow over. Meanwhile, I shall protecc
I’m just gonna say
I used to copy a certain persons style to
And I’m sure many people who were around in 2017-18 remember that
I know how you are feeling
But let me tell you arguing and complaining isn’t how to go about it
I got some serious backlash doing that
And wow! I have a (sorta?) original style now!
All because I eventually got over it
But it took me a while
It will be a lot easier for you if you do it now rather than wait 3 months like I did