Ok let Me ExPLain
16.08.2019 17:14
LinkTyPing tiME
Comment removed
16.08.2019 17:19
LinkOk so yeah I said I'm gonna "probably" leave and I guess everyone thought probably means definitely but at the time I was just super upset oops, you may or may not know that no matter how hard I try to leave FA I can't and theres a really simple reason for that. I guess its slightly selfish but I just like the attention and all the people I get to talk to! I mean I'm just a normal person that gets ignored pretty often irl but on FA everyone (most people at least) say such nice things to you and everyone seems to like you and its just so nice. So yeah uh thank you for being awesome guys :0 Also I spent two years and kinda ruined my vision by drawing a lot and got really far so it would be kinda dumb to leave and throw all that away.
Secondly this drawing, my boi max
I was looking at animation memes and stumbled across the rotten rotten zombie meme so I felt like drawing him whoosh the song is pretty cool even though I can't understand the lyrics! :v
Sorry for freaking everyone out I'm alright now :>
16.08.2019 17:20
LinkANd aLso if some people did want me to go sorry FOr Disappointing you I hAve no seLf controL and I end up crawling back to Fa from my grave every time :0
16.08.2019 18:00