S.O.S..send help!! pt.5


27.12.2018 16:08
Linkupdate: i've seem to have broken...BOTH of my legs..that alien dude left to go find this weird plant that can "heal me" so in the mean time i'm stuck here talking to no one...but to this pod that i'm for sure isn't ever going to be seen
god i just wanna go home
update from the UNOF Birb Canterbury (united nation of flip)
hey guys bagels here, we'd like to let you know we've heard about ur worries on finding ak, and that me along with birb and a back up team B are looking for him as we speak..haha...funny we mention back up because our gas ran out....ssssssooo...we're kinda stuck BUT DON'T WORRY..team B is on there way, together we'll go and find ak!
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@BlackFire911 ooo ok that makes sense thanks for the clarification
also the little snarky reply with the "I'm pretty sure you knew that but whatever" really makes no sense at all,maybe chill it down a bit
of course the first reaction when seeing some one put "I love how you messed up your animation for them. lol" is to think that was rude, and to think that wasn't very cash money of them
but now I see what you were trying to say, so that line "I'm pretty sure you knew that but whatever" was VERY unnecessary