Long paragraph incoming


22.08.2019 01:37
LinkI used to make fun of people for venting but I'm getting to the point where I want/need to
I'm ok with doing it here cause no one here is extremely close to me except maybe IAAB
I don't care how you see me, a sweet person, someone who just wants to animate,or as a big scary bully despite the fact I haven't bullied anyone since... Beginning of summer? Correct me if I'm wrong, please correct me.
If you view me as a bully you could be living in the past-
But I won't get into this
I'm typing cause I only use this place for a stress reliever but it piles on the stress
Sorry I'm jumping to different topics so much
I'm conclusion I'm possessive but hate when people flirt with me
****ing stop calling me that
I'm not your lover, you're 11
****ing stop thanks
Comment removed

22.08.2019 01:40
LinkOk I'm done with vomiting my words

Don’t be afraid to express yourself. It’s a freedom everyone deserves. (Discounting people who are using expression to threaten and abuse, ect.)

It’s okay to vent man, everyone needs to let off steam sometimes. Nobody could fault you for that.
And also.. just wanna mention.. even if you used to be mean to people, at least you’re trying to be better! That matters a heck of a lot and you should be proud of yourself. ❤️

Nighteye, I just found you and hope to get to know you better! I feel like you are a great person and really want to be friends with you!