

12.08.2019 02:50
LinkName: Shaggy
Gender: Male
Species: Timbukhanian
Age (Timbukhanian years): 15 | Age(Earth Years): 65
Shaggy is one of the inhabitants of the planet Timbukhan (tim-BOO-can). While he lives on the same planet as Mono, he is a noticeable different species with fluffier hair, a much bigger jaw and nose, and slightly longer ears. While Mono's species is considered on her planet as a "communis caninis", Shaggy and his species are called "vellus canis vnam clamidem". However on earth they are known by number, as in canine 1, 2, and so on. Due to their shaggy fur most canine 2's live in cold climates. Their fur has been known to change pattern depending on the season. Turning a brownish-green in spring, light or dark brown in the summer, brownish-orange in the fall, and jet white in the winter. They're long opened nostrils allow them to smell much better then other species of canines, there is a specifically hard part of it's skull, and it's located where it's large nostrils are.