Warrior cat roleplay anyone?


30.11.2019 04:24

30.11.2019 04:25

30.11.2019 04:26
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30.11.2019 04:31
Linkguess its just us. mind you, i type 72 WPM at highest, so you don't have to wait long for my reply

30.11.2019 04:33
LinkO-O thx

30.11.2019 04:35

30.11.2019 04:38

30.11.2019 04:39

WC wall:
Name: Bitterkit (im doing this, but idk if it'll be canon for my book)
Gender: Male
Clan: Riverclan
Mate: N
also imma make him evil bc reasons
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"H-hey!" He growled, starting to chase after him again, until he was picked up by Snowfreckle. "Leave her alone. I'm sure she just did it unknowingly." Her soft voice was muffled by his flank in her mouth, while she carried him back toward the nursery. "I don't want to go back there, though!" He meowed. "Tomorrow you'll be an apprentice." She purred, setting him down beside her, curling her tail around him.

"If I'm going to be an apprentice tomorrow, can't I explore?" He asked, flicking his tail. She sighed, "You're too good at this. I suppose. Don't go looking for trouble, though." She glared. "I won't." He got up and padded out the den, and tasted the air for the kit's scent. He followed it until he faintly saw fourtrees. "I've never gone this far." He mewed, looking around.

His fur was becoming tangled within the roots and branches, but he just kept following the scent. He sat down for a second and cleaned himself a little, before getting back up. He followed the scent and there before his eyes he had saw the trespasser, drinking from the creek. "Hey you. You leave quite the stench." He wrinkled his nose.
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She sniffed at Oakkit, pinning back her ears. "She doesn't belong here. She's a rouge." Tigerstar hissed, lashing her tail. "You never allow anything anymore, Tigerstar. Please, she'd be useful." Bitterkit pleaded. "There's a reason, Bitterkit. Now get her out of my sight or I'll send a warrior to kill her." Tigerstar growled, padding back to her den. "Don't mind her, she's just a mouse-brain. She knows you'll fit well in here." He nudged her side.