Cyrus got his first kill-


20.08.2021 20:25
LinkHe overheard some creep talking about the gross things they wanted to do to Gracelyn with no permission
And followed them home, waited till they went to bed, and then tied them up and tortured them and asked them about it before killing them

20.08.2021 20:26
LinkAnd decided to do it that night cause the peraon was planning to do it the next day

20.08.2021 20:29
LinkNext day be like
Jestan: did you hear about that boy who was killed last night in his own room?"
Archer: really? Thats scary i hope that doesnt happen to me..
Cyrus: what a shame. He probably deserved it. Not like the world needed him anyway.
Jestan: wtf Cyrus-

20.08.2021 20:30
LinkSomething tells me fake would be just sitting there kinda having a good feeling Cyrus did it but just lioe decides to not say anything