

13.02.2021 18:55
LinkBasically I can’t tell if I have anger issues or something, but when I see someone being manipulative or rude and mean to someone, I always feel liek I have to step in. And when I step in, I get aggressive and throw a whole lot of roasts at them. I don’t know why I do this though...

13.02.2021 18:57
LinkEvery time something like that happens I try and put someone in their place. I try to tell them what their doing is wrong, but I think most of the time, I’m adding fuel to the fire. I cause more drama and problems when I just keep roasting them and being kinda hurtful. I always stick to my opinion and if someone keeps arguing I’ll just keep throwing more at them

13.02.2021 18:58
LinkI feel like it’s rude of me to do this, but I do it anyway. Something just clicks in my body and I run over and I instantly wanna deal with it.

13.02.2021 18:58