Fight like a woman

Spinning Thing

tps spooky map thing


sugar does anims trailer cha- did this at 4 am .-.

Elephant shower

Important apology


08.08.2021 05:03
LinkIm sorry that i have been gone for a LONG time, things have been going on in life and i'm not sure if i can draw a lot. I have a job at 14 and i am exhausted. I am also losing weight at a drastic measure from not eating well. I'm slowly getting better but i'll try to keep posting as much as i can!! sincerely, Aries (Deathjawbone <3)

It alright, take as much time as you need friend!
Remember to take care of yourself for the time you are off-site, drink water, eat something good, go outside, all that good stuff! Remember that you are loved, always! :]