Feels boil rn


31.03.2022 13:26
LinkSo some titty hanging out fake eyelash wearing hoes decide I'm now their little uh shit talking punching bag
joke on them
I don't take that shit well
probs gonna yell at em brb

This happened to me so many times, its nuts. I usually never did anything because they'd get bored and bother someone else instead. There was one girl who was really awful and I laughed when I looked her up on FB years later. She had 2 fat little ogre babies. I know, I knoooooow so mean to make fun on babies but by god these kids look like Shrek himself was on the hook for child support hahahah.
Honestly, just whatever you do try not to get involved with these hoes' too personally. Half the time it feels like they have a crush on their target and sometimes they will get crazy and try to get in your life.
In my high school there was one kid who would bully everyone and it was funny because he was just this gay Aeropostale-wearing dork lmao. He liked me because I helped him with his Spanish homework??? Anyway, he bullied some girl so much the girl's father (who was a school janitor) cut the brake lines on the bully's car and almost killed him.

I actually think middle school is way worse so don't be scared lol. You live in a really tame area too so maybe that will help? People in your state are so catty and gossip-y whereas people here are more violent and loud. I think you guys probably have more silent creeps though (Ed Gein types.)
It is hard to say. We didn't have any kids who killed themselves but after I graduated I've heard there's been at least 4 suicides. Its so sad, people are not helping these poor kids.

Oh about the suicide thing
I had a buddy who almost did that and the little brats who were picking on him keep trying to gaslight me about it and ngl it's sick
and the school didn't do shit
and he is like, an awesome kid, I hung out with him over the weekend and he was showing me his nerf guns and playing ping pong with his cats
while the others are just moping around like "my life is so hard waawaawaa"

Literally almost everyone I know has tried to commit suicide/actually suicided/was admitted to a mental ward. Some of them went willingly to mental wards, though that doesn't make it okay. They do awful shit to people in there. If the school counselor asks you to talk to them just say you're "fine" because all school counselors are mandatory reporters- meaning they legally have to report it to police if they think you're actually mentally ill or might do something bad.
In my senior year I told a friend that I was going to kms because I got rejected by a boy and was v upset. They sent cops to my house after school hours, the cop was physically grabbing me and threatening to send me to the crazy house but my step dad made him leave. So.... please just tell a good friend or a good adult if you need to talk, fr. You can always talk to me or any fam in Ohio!

Honestly the way they deal with mental illness doesn't differ much from back in the olden days when they would electric chair people for being gay or something so, I'm not surprised
and I'm not going to lie I think I'm pretty chill, I have my sucky emotion moments but that's just life, I don't even think anyone would even ask
oh yes he's very nice and we actually get along, he's like the only chill kid in this school that isn't deadpan invested in gaslighting people. I just wish the little emo scum didnt chase him out of the school, I hate her guts now she's going to suffer my I don't like you wrath for this

Yeah, I highly agree.
I think I'm really chill too but I keep putting myself in these awful situations and it makes me crazy..... I just keep trying to do the right things and it hurts me.
Anyway, I relate to that so much. When I was your age I was made of rage and I wanted to protect my friends so badly. You have a good spirit