oh boy flipanim


30.05.2021 00:00
Linkok, so why do famous people that sometimes don't put much work into their art get SO MANY LIKES for no reason?
and why do people who put actual work into their art get almost no attention at all? and most of the time, there is art on the popular page that seem like they dont fit. how can art with less work and no detail get so much attention? i dont know. i am not trying to be mean but sometimes people get that much for, actually no reason in my opinion. im more confused than ever why people can get this and others can put hours and hours of work into their animations and art and nobody even tries to recgonize them.

30.05.2021 00:05
Linkfurry art, looks nice. likeable. no shading, no detail. its furry art. and it gets many more likes than extremely beautiful masterpieces, (well, not as many as promagma) but some people are almost as good as him and the furry art could get more likes than those realistic masterpieces. when you look at it, the drawings those animal drawers like look like they don't put hours into their work. although they do, i still dont think you should get that many likes for such a thing, yeah, i like it too but holy crap-

30.05.2021 00:09
Link( i used animal drawers as furry, some people draw nice realistic animals too)