

20.06.2021 18:41
Linkhow write again

20.06.2021 18:53
LinkCupid was currently bouncing around in her room excited. Its is her 15th birthday today! Today is going to be the best day ever and she had a feeling! She went to do her daily routine before sliding down the stairs. Her first encounter of the day was a clown named Kyle! Kyle was her obvious bestie. OBVIOUSLY. She was practically bouncing excited “Hey Kyle, how are you!”. Kyle who was seemingly spaced out blinked and looked at her. “Hey cupid, Im doing great today!” Cupid waited for them to say something else but nothing came. Weird. “Well something important is today!” Kyle tilted their head with a faint honk “What is it?” Cupid was upset they didn’t remember “Its nothing that important!” and walked off. She next met up with peri and riley. “Hey guys-“ “Riley im telling you im a dilf!” “Peri no you aren’t you’re too uggo.” “Ri- Oh hey Cupid!” They looked at her. Cupid just stood there confused and said “Never mind” and walked away. She met up with Zach next. Well, not exactly? Zach was still asleep. On the

20.06.2021 18:59
Link-floor. Cupid just walked over her. She met with Honey Cove and Peppa pig last. They were making out (/j). She just went back to her room. Scared by what happened today and that no one remembered her birthday. Couple hours later she saw a familiar red hair peep through her door. “What do you want kyle?” They walked in and said “You lol” and put a blind fold on and pushed her out her room. “WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON?!” She screamed. Kyle said “Stop screaming my ears are sensitive cup it idiot” She was sat on a chair by the dining table. Kyle took her blind fold off. She saw party decorations and... A CAKE! It said happy birthday! She looked around. Everyone was there! Even
“YOU GUYS DIDN’T FORGET?!” She said shocked. Zach tilted her head “Why would we forget?” Cupid didn’t know why she thought it and shrugged.
and had a good bday
ok end loser