Puff Lips (w/ Gloss) Tutorial
02.10.2019 23:14
LinkOriginal idea from Katseduku when she made Polaris.
Step 1: Using the 1st dot stroke, make a cat lip line, like a wide W.
Step 2: Make the top lip with a 2nd dot stroke, always do this first since it's easier.
Step 3: Make the bottom lip, try and make it shorter than the top lip.
Step 4: Color in the top lip. In case you don't want makeup, make the lips pink!
Step 5: Color in the bottom lip using the shader, make sure to get the top lip for a darker toned effect.
Step 6: Shade in the top of the top lip with a lighter color.
Step 7: Shade in the top of the bottom lip with a darker color.
Step 8: Clean up your work, try fixing up the slack of the cat lips, or shade it some more!
You can also make patterns with the tips anyway you want. Try shading in the lips with a zig-zag line, and then shade the whole mouth. Be creative!
You can also color in the bottom lip first to give it a dark effect when you shade the mouth, whatever works for you.
You can also add "accessories" to the mouth, preferably using copy & paste, try and make some kitty fangs, or maybe blood, or a lip ring.
You don't always have to add extra shading to the mouth, or add any shading at all, that's just what I do to try and make it look good.