me when im visible today!!


27.04.2021 01:51
LinkYo yo yo! I hope everyone's having a nice lesbian visibility day :] lil bit of ramblin' from me cause this is the first year I'm celebrating it as a fully open lesbian.
It took much time to accept it? I struggled with compulsory heterosexuality for a really long time; I felt like I owed it to my family and really just everyone in general to 'at least' be attracted to guys as well as girls, so I identified as bi for a few years before realizing that I wasn't attracted to men at all. One of the first people I came out to was my now ex girlfriend and to hear that she had struggled through the same thing as well as a lot of other lesbians honestly felt so relieving; I no longer felt like I wasn't lesbian enough for having identified as bi before accepting myself and I felt alright. To anyone who's questioning their orientation; you have all the time in the world and it's more than okay to figure out that certain labels don't suit you after you try them. Hell you don't need labels at all, love who-

27.04.2021 01:51
Link- you love, and I sincerely hope you find happiness in loving :] <3

how are you this amazing
seriously im in awe of you all the time man
im glad to be at least a mild bro <3 valid mother****er