

Enid’s investigation

-*x L0V3 x*-

Only 90's kids will remember -


The Second Catastrophe- button
Contest 5 Winners


05.06.2021 01:24
LinkHello everyone and welcome to the winner announcement of our fifthteenth contest. as we know, in this contest you could draw or animate whatever you wanted, and we got many great entries. i was impressed and i picked out a few people i think deserve credit. the first place winner's art was cute, detailed and well coloured. they used a sketch like style and it is in great form. the winnner is... angeangeange.

05.06.2021 01:26
LinkFor second place, we have the vivid and coloured drawing by... Windinthewillows. i LOVE adventure time and i know the charcters well, and this drawing looks just like it. the drawing is cute, well made and looks just like finn from adventure time. the colouring is a bit, full blast and i would encourage final edits when you are done, but this is just great work.

05.06.2021 01:29
Linkand for the third and final winner, we have Memer-foot. this art peice if subtle but lovely. the way the star shines through the visor is so clean and smooth, and the backround is stunning. the effect on the helmet is some of the best i have ever seen and this is just a great peice of art. the simple colour and design makes it so delightful. well done.
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