Dad Beto’s just struggling


30.04.2022 01:49
LinkI also want to draw my pirate ocs bc pirates are heccing awesome.
Anyway..Beto had no clue Midas had two friends run away with him into the city and right around the time he was gonna adopt him Midas said that he wouldn’t get adopted unless he adopted his almost-brother and the girl they saved.
Beto reluctantly did just that and now he has to learn control his anger issues around them or Midas would be terrified causing Ryland to defend him and Hori will avoid him all together.
Beto has no clue why they have heightened reactions to him since Midas never told him anything about their past. This is mostly before they completely trusted him and Midas just wanted to get off the streets at this point.
He’ll gladly throw a fit any other time but just not around his kiddos.

30.04.2022 01:49
LinkNow I’m gonna doodle pirates-