I get you!

Kawaii Cookie

Ok kid, what do you want.

Happy flecks <33



put your finger on the dot
bunny is doll (22)


05.04.2021 15:44
“**** you”
What’s wrong in your brain? Do you ha e kleptomania or something? Legit question, it would explain a lot.

05.04.2021 15:46
Linknope perfectly normal
just bored

05.04.2021 15:47
LinkBoredom isn’t an excuse for theft. I understand your bored, need attention, but honestly there is such better ways!

05.04.2021 15:48
burnt note

05.04.2021 15:49
LinkNo seriously, work with me here. Do you really think it’s worth the negative attention? You would be such better off being creative on your own! These artists work really hard, and if you work hard enough, the work will love you! You just have to try.

05.04.2021 15:50
Linkmore fun seeing peoples reaction :)
(perfect reddit material)

05.04.2021 15:52
LinkPerhaps provoking isn’t the best way of entertainment? Maybe try something else, like uploading funny art and seeing people’s reactions! Because let’s be honest here, everybody’s reaction is the same. Upload like, memes, and that will get more funny, better attention!

05.04.2021 15:53
Linkthats the best part, everyones so alike on this dead site

05.04.2021 15:56
LinkThere’s honestly just no point. I want to be your friend, I want to help you. Trust me, you’ll look back at this time and regret it. I understand your just a bored kid, and I mean, covid, we’re all bored, but that’s why YouTube, and Netflix, and Hulu exist, that’s why Reddit itself exists. So please, stop causing trouble. There are so many hard working artists here. Imagine you work hours, apon hours on something, and somebody steals it. You don’t want to go down this path. If you ever decide to be a better person, I’m here as a friend. You might not now, but I believe one day you’ll make the write choice. I believe in you

05.04.2021 15:58
Linkbelive all u want it wont prevail

05.04.2021 15:59
LinkIt might not be now, it may not be in a year, but I believe in you. Goodbye I’m done with this conversation I’ve said all I can.
Comment removed

05.04.2021 16:00