Lmt lol


19.07.2022 21:27

19.07.2022 21:34
LinkNot specific but things that tick me off
-If you bring up sensitive topics up around me without any kind of warning, makes me uncomf
-If you are one of those people that don't talk to me for *any* other reason than to try to bicker with me about opinions and such (you know the type) it's just kind of like, rude, I don't mind a polite correction if say a stupid but like if that's all you do when talking to me,, that's like, kinda mid
-You like, shame me for my identity, fuc you
-Cringe culture me, #Uncool
-If the occasional gross joke or nudity or gore makes you uncomfortable (not against you, this is for your safety I draw a lot of ****ed up shit)
-If my shitposts bug you or something, like, that's cool ig but I'm not spending the rest of my life clearing up this old ass acc /nm

19.07.2022 21:37
LinkNow actual people haha
-Cloudnine (Brought up sensitive subjects without warning and was just kind of a dick to me lol)
-Melancholy-tea (you make me super uncomf)
-Kai-Furry (aren't you a minor? Don't draw hardcore porn on an easy access site full of other minors)
-Sandwitched-bítched (what you did 2 me was gross screw you man)
-Roxannethekittypet (you're gross and petty, yucky)

19.07.2022 21:39
Link-Ifollowcuties (obvious reasons
Oh yeah more on the non specifics
-You tell people to "KYS" that's super cringe stay away from me
-you use mental illness as a way to excuse horrible actions
-You are a minor and draw public hardcore porn, that's gross ew
-A manipulative toad, go away
-You say slurs you can't reclaim lol

19.07.2022 21:40

19.07.2022 21:47
Linkalso if you're blocked there's 3 reasons why ngl,
-1 you actually piss me off
-2 you gave me a yuck sting and I want to keep myself away from you temporarily bc I don't want to loose my shit and be nasty
-3 I misclicked
so if I blocked you or something and you don't recall me being hissy at you feel free to ask someone or use an alt to ask why lol

19.07.2022 21:48
Link(oh yeah btw there are acceptions to *SOME* of these, if you're not blocked your safe or I don't knoe)
Comment removed

26.07.2022 06:20
Link-Sam-xXAMTXx (you know exactly why. :) )

"-A manipulative toad, go away" sorry this made me giggle. (also yes cloudnine is a good person to stay away from)

The 'minors' drawing pornos are probably adults with horrible drawing skill and low IQ, definitely stay away. Bleugh

I remember a world where there was no internet. People just used it for school and work so normal people really didn't have computers. Well we always had gameboys and ps2 but we got a computer when I was 8- I think.
Basically, I didn't even know how to use it at first but I remember seeing a lot of elicit content quickly after I figured it out. I remember seeing creepy deviantart type stuff at 10 years old. Its really crazy thinking about how much the internet influences people......
A lot of those kids drawing hardcore stuff were probably abused too, I don't think I would have had the idea to even try that or put it online for others to see at this age.

It's like, the least you could do if you draw that shit is keep it private or show it to very few people
it's not hard
like I'm someone who will draw suggestive shit (like family guy esk pp jokes) and the occasional naked person for anatomy practive but not yuck, bc it's yuck and no one wants to see that but yuckymold men