Princess and the Bunny <3

a guy

Super Doge

RandomaticAnimations Fan art


How FlipAnim Was Made....

Laura Prepon, aka Alex Vause


23.09.2020 16:53
LinkNighteye has a family full of 3 brothers and 2 sisters (He's the second oldest) and they all have space related things to them. Nighteye has a detachable candy eye, and when it comes detached space flows out. The space represents his thoughts and how he thinks. He's attached to his sister, Daybreak the most. Her left eye is detachable, but it has a heart shaped candy over it. Nighteye lives with his mom and often visits his dad.
Enough about home life though.
Nighteye is a 5'8, golden brown cheetah with darker brown spots.
His favourite colour is cyan, neon pink, and black.

23.09.2020 18:35
LinkHe can go and visit the world's he thinks of, while also staying unconscious in the "real world". So far he has 3 main planets and 2 universes, some side planets. Everything he thinks of has its own little world area, his comfort world is Tayir, we don't talk about Tayir though.
He mostly lives inside his mind, always in a coma like state in the real world. He hides himself as certain characters, if he showed himself he would get bombarded since he's considered a God.

23.09.2020 18:40
LinkCherryBerry is his oracle, a person or thing regarded as an infallible authority or guide on something. He can see through her eyes, and knows what goes on in each world through her gaze. Cherry has 3 different forms for each planet. A plush toy, anthro, and her regular form.

23.09.2020 18:43
LinkCherryBerry, the main form, is just a standard cat. CherryBlossom, her second form, is a red anthro cat who lives in Reathe, an apocalyptic world with destruction and chaos. Cherry, her third form, is just a plush toy, that one is in the real world. It's how Nighteye can view through her eyes, and see what she sees.

23.09.2020 18:44
LinkUhhh what else,,,
Nighteye just... Yea, this is all I got so far.

23.09.2020 18:59
LinkTl;dr: cheetah uses red cat as vessel between worlds

-When Nighteye goes out at night, he takes off his fake eye and lets his thoughts flow into the sky
-The space dust is a mix of thoughts he hides away, so it's how he lets it out.
-He can also see out of said eye, even when holding it.
-When he cares about someone, he will do quite a lot to protect that person