19.11.2019 00:56
Linkits not your fault... its the fact that i wished h a happy b day and spammed her with memes for her bday and she can't even remember mine.. or even care to say happy bday even when i told her.. its killing me inside and out... i love her so much and she loves me but sometimes i feel like im not enough for her or you...
19.11.2019 00:58
Linki-im sorry im pushing this all on you... i-i shouldn't be.. but your the only one that can help atm... ,m,
19.11.2019 00:58
LinkAw.. I'm sorry.
And dont think that way! You're an amazing person and you just are going through a rough time and need someone to talk to. I understand. I'm sorry. I really hope everything gets better...
19.11.2019 00:58
LinkDont be sorry. It's fine. As I said, i dont mind.