Nobody will judge you


09.11.2019 04:36
Linkokay I guess I can confess

09.11.2019 04:36
LinkI cry a lot and hid my emotions

09.11.2019 04:37
LinkMe too

09.11.2019 04:38

There's this kid in my 3rd period who pretends to be my bodyguard. Like, the other day he saw me talking to some other dude and he legit tackled the dude I was talking to.. He claims that he has a girlfriend but I've never SEEN her, I've never MET her, and it's kinda embarrassing having to walk around with him being overprotective and clingy..
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Whenever I bring up the fact that I'm still single everyone's always like "what about emiiiiiii?" And hdhffhrhvhehcajdkwckwmcjwncwn nw!c!ek

Okay, so I have this...ghost? And idk. But I was talking in class in front of everyone- and I was saying stuff like "Do you ever have the feelings where you feel like your weak or you just have a negative emotion, you feel someone have their hand on your shoulder and they're pushing you forward?" And everyone was looking at me like I was insane. At this point I was worried- "No...that's NEVER happened before..." my teacher replied. And I just felt alone for the day-

okay so..
Im tired of always being judged, whether its my face, body, the way I stand, the way I walk, talk and basically EVERYTHING.
Im tired of it..
I hate it..
My self esteem is so low, and Im doubting myself a bunch and also blame myself for plenty of things
I tell them i dont care, that they can say whatever they want and it wont affect me
But it does
I sometimes go home and cry because of it
I just wish they would stop..
I've had enough of it..

I've never tried this before but I've heard of it and I want to see if it works, when they say stuff like that just say thank you and tell them to have a nice day, if you show them that it doesn't affect you then they will most likely stop but if they don't stop I recommend telling a teacher or an adult you trust at the school. I hope you feel better soon and if you ever need to talk me and sapphire are always here

ok so i have used to have this kid at my school WHO IS OLDER THAN ME and he like is weird and hes was like ALWAYS AROUND ME and always distracting me in class once he dropped his pencil case and had a big tantrum and that is REALLY stressful

I have PTSD, I'm too stubborn and I hate it, my gf is upset and I dont know how to help her, my brother bullies me for being bi and is really homophobic