huggy 4 all me followers
09.05.2019 14:02
09.05.2019 14:02
Link*huggos back*
If you could, please stop spamming my account, I understand you have your own opinions, but I have my own too. I find you account and your followers to not be the best of people, no offense to you, but offense wanted to be given as well. You are racist, and rude to the LGBTQ+ community, you don't like many kinds of people, and I'm pretty sure you are for the White Supremacy, but I am not.
I will not join your 'club' or 'gang' or 'group, for you have endangered the sake of many other users. I will not take part in any of the shit you throw at me, and if you continue to beg and spam I will get you banned.