Lol bunny noise


05.11.2021 22:53
LinkOk what the theme e

05.11.2021 22:56
Linkan adventurous theme? ;:0
i'll use lily and draven,when she tries to figure out how to get draven back being visible again ^^

05.11.2021 22:57
LinkOoh nice nice :D
So maybe it can be somewhere in q Park or something or a city

05.11.2021 22:58
Linkouiii ^^

05.11.2021 22:59
LinkOoh OK ok I'll start if ya want lol hang on

05.11.2021 22:59
Linksure :0 <B)

Lily: *her bunny ears were down with an annoyed look to draven as she drinks her coffee mug* you're so annoying gosh when will you leave me alone?
Waiter: excuse me? *she had a hurt look to lily as she was about to take her order,she walked away with a frown,not seeing draven*
Lily: nono wait! i wasn't talking to you i was-..and she's gone,way to go you idiot.

Waiter: *she looks at lily weirdly and goes to val with a small note pad and smiles* hello welcome to our cafe,what would you like?
Lily: *she puts her head down with an annoyed look while everyone in the cafe looks at her weirdly with draven laughing* shut up! for once in your lifetime..well if you had a life

Waiter: *she nodded with a smile and wrote it on her note pad* alrighty *she goes to lily before going to the kitchen* mam i'm sorry but you need to leave if you don't calm're making the customers uncomfortable..*she made a small smile and walks to the kitchen*
Lily: *she nodded with a frown as she watches the waiter walk away,she drinks her coffee mug*

Lily: *she still glares up at draven by val but shakes it off as she smiles* it's very nice to meet you too val
Waiter: *she walks to val with his order and sets it down on the table* here you are sir *she shivers from the coldness from draven and narrows her eyes* i could've sworn i changed the temperature hm..

Lily: *she looks to draven by val and raise a brow with her smile as her ears perk up* well can you let him see you? if so how?
Draven: *his grin widens as he raise a brow behind the hood* oh,deciding to let 'one' person to see me?..give me your hand and you hold his hand then poof i'll appear to only you and him

Val:yeah especially the one next to me on the right they are really nosy*still leading qnd stop near a door and suddenly the next door to the left open and neighbor came out screaming at the person inside the neighbor room and the neighbor slam the door*
(Insert random name because yes lol)
Morgon:God damn it*sees val*oh heya valentine

Draven: *his amulet glowed a bit which he knows lily needs his help and turns his head to val* well i enjoy our chat but little lily needs me *he vanishes to lily as he had his normal grin*
Lily: *she was lost in a different forest she's never been and had an annoyed look as she poked her ruby necklace* what's taking him so long? ( alrighty ^^ )

( that's alrighty ^^ )
Draven: you want people to see me,did you changed your mind about it?~
d'aw i knew you'll miss me being around with you~ *he chuckled darkly as his grins widen*
Lily: *she thought for a moment then sighed as she shook her head with an annoyed look* we'll do this tomorrow,right now it's late..could you lead me back home? i really need some sleep..

Draven: you see my face starts feeling warm when i've told val something,could you explain what it is? is it sickness? *he raise a brow to lily as he had his grin faltering*
Lily: no draven *she raise a brow to draven and giggled a little as her ears perk up* you were blushing,i didn't know you had feelings~

Draven: Feelings? *his grin came back as his dark hue still darkens but didn't feel it as he crossed his arms* I don't have feelings,not since i was a live mortal
Lily: *she gives him the look as she smirks but rolls her eyes as she walks through the dark forest* sure drav but someday you'll eventually have a girlfriend or even marry a rock ( alrighty ^^ )

Lily: *she sees it's foggy which she slowly starts getting scared as she walks through the trees,she sees a destroyed old village and starts sprinting towards it* okay where is this stupid vial at?
Draven: *he recognize the run up village but didn't want to remember it as he looks at the tall worn up house* right over there it should be in the study room

Lily: well yeah honestly i was surprised that nothing happened *she giggled as she smiles brightly to draven,she raise a brow* but does this used to your place?
Draven: oh yes,used to be a beautiful village with people singing but all that just..i'd rather not talk about it *he shook his head as he gives out a small grin to lily as he followed*

Lily: *she raise a brow to draven as she smiled with her ears perking up as she walks* i'm sure it used to be a beautiful place,hey maybe i- *she was pushed by draven to the grass,she gives a glare to him* what the heck dr- *her eyes widen and gasp in fear as she sees a shadowy arrow in dravens chest*

Draven: *he gritted his teeth in pain as black ooze starts pouring through his chest,he gives a grin to lily as he starts vanishing while the shadowy creatures starts sprinting* what're you waiting for? 𝐫𝐮𝐧
Lily: *she starts running,she trips a little but still starts sprinting with fear while in tears as she held the vial*

Lily: *she frowns as she had a grip onto her arm while her bunny ears perk were droopy*..d-draven i-..he was helping me finding the vial i wanted to g-get but after we got i-it..he..h-he was shot..i don't know how those s-stupid creatures *she was in tears and was sniffling* and i can't e-even summon h-him back!

Lily: well y-yeah but *she got the vial out from her coat while in tears as her bunny ears were droopy,she starts toughen up and wipes away her tears*..when he was shot he looks like he was..disappearing but i brought this with me because i thought i can summon him back and let him drink it..but i didn't think this would happen

Val:*hums a bit and started to take off his mask....he doesn't know why but he felt his face and stare at the mirror he had in his room.....he doesn't know why but he wanted to cry....he also wanted to just break something...or someone.....the fury in him escape him through his punch and hit the dang mirror*

( ✨ t i m e s k i p ✨ )
Lily: *she woke up from the sun shining and gives out a small yawn as her ears were perk down,she grabs out the vial from her coat then looks at it* ...
Draven: *he notices her already awake and grins mischievously as he stood tall by her then raise a brow behind the hood* d'aw not even a good hello?~ gee and i thought you miss me~

Lily: *she rolled her eyes at him but gave out a small smile to him as her ears perk up,she grabs out the vial and hands it to draven* here
Draven: *he stops laughing while he grinned and looks at the vial then grabs it,he looks at it then tilt his head* are you sure? cause if i drink this then there might be a small chance i'll cause chaos

Lily: *she sees him not having ghostly appearance a bit and her eyes brighten a little as she smiles with her ears perking up* well wow,now this is just better!
Draven: *he raise a brow behind the hood to her as he looks down his hands and gives out his normal grin* what? you didn't like my other looks?~ d'aw i'm hurt little lily~

( alrighty ^^ )
Waiter: *she hummed as she smiles while walking to lily,she raise a brow to her* hello mam do you want the *her eyes widen as she looks up to draven while holding her notepad* t-t-tall-
Draven: *he grins mischievously as he leans down to her height and tilt his head while he raise a brow behind the hood* tall what madam?~ i hope my height doesn't fear you mortals~
Lily: *she roll her eyes at draven as she crossed her arms while her bunny ears perk up* please don't mind him

Lily: *she sees the waiter coming and wanted to change the subject of the killing while smiling a bit* a-ah our orders here
Waiter: here you are *she puts their order down onto the table,she couldn't help but stare at draven curiously,seeing him looking back with his pupils she looks away blushing*..erm..what might be your name be s-sir? ( indeed <:D )

Draven: *he chuckled at her being fluster,he leans down to her height then points at the customers calling for her* i think you should go do your job darling~ your little customers are waiting~
Waiter: h-huh? *hearing the customers calling for her she jumps a bit then made a nervous smiling and mumbled an apology as she quickly went over to the customers*
Lily: *she smiles to draven and the waiter then thought about something as her bunny ears perk up*
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( ✨t i m e - s k i p s✨ and hallo lol- )
Draven: *he was leaning against the tree near lily's house as he had his normal grin,seeing her walking by,he was about to scare her but his grin falter as she caught him*
Lily: nice try draven *she chuckled at him with a smile,seeing his grin falter she smirked* but i've already saw you

( alrighty ^^ )
Draven: gee i think i've change my mind of who's more fun *he chuckled as he grinned at her* but i think i'd rather keep it to myself
Lily: *she rolled her eyes at him and starts walking to her favorite cafe as she smiles* whatever come on let's go to the cafe..oh! and maybe you can get to meet that waitress,i think you two will get along well

( i'm doing good ^^ just feeling a bit lazy today <:')
what about you? ;:0 )
Lily: *she slowly starts to realize as her eyes widen in disbelief,she muttered 'you killed actually killed her..'
Waitress: pardon ma'm? *she raise a brow with a concern look while holding their notepad*
Draven: ah she's just not feeling well today,don't worry about it dear~ *he had his grin to her while putting his arms behind his mask*

Lily: *she was about to snap to yell it out but the waitress cut her off by walking to them,she quickly got to her posture and cleared her throat with a nervous smile* sorry about that miss
Waitress: *she had a scared look to lily while holding her notepad shakily and mumbled something then went back to her smile* what would you guys like?

Lily: *she starts stammering while blushing red and looks to draven then narrowed her eyes,trying to get him to embarrassed,she reaches out to him then pulls down his hood* ha! e-embarrassed now?
Draven: *since his hood was down he just grinned to lily with his eyes brighten up a little as he wasn't embarrassed* nice try little lily~

Draven: ah that was just a different place *he chuckled as he grinned while walking* though i do know one particular place we could go~
Lily: *she didn't want to remember the place as she cleared her throat,hearing draven she raise a brow to him with a small smile* oh? well it better not be scary draven!
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( alrighty ^^ )
Draven: *he raise a brow behind the hood as grinned normally with a small blush* well there is one specifically,i may have weird feelings for though i highly doubt they like me the way i do
Lily: *hearing him her eyes widen of his hint and smiled more as she raise a brow* is she pretty? or is it a guy?

Draven: *he sees lily walking alone,he raise a brow behind the hood as he expected her to be with luke,but didn't questioned it as he went to her* i thought you were with your 'lover'
Lily: *she flinch as her eyes widen a bit,she turns to him and rubs the back of her neck as she opens her door* w-well i was t-til i um- i left my oven on and it's midnight!

( no not really ^^' )
Draven: *he sees a bruise on her neck then his pupils glowed and had his teeth gritted as he raise a brow* did he hurt you?
Lily: *noticing him seeing the hickey she blushes darkly with her eyes widen* no! no he didn't it's just *she mumbled 'a hickey' as she had a nervous smile*

( lol x) )
Draven: so you just basically bite them hard like food? mortals are very weird *he gives out a stiffled laugh as he grin*
Lily: *she was blushing darkly then was stammering a bit as her bunny ears perk down* n-no! you just e-erm..a lover 'gently' gives them a love bite not a h-harsh one! ( <:') )
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( hello! and i'm doing good,what about you? ;:0 )
Draven: *he hears a 'come in' and walks in as he had his normal grin while holding val's hand*
Nekros: *he looks up from his big book and had a welcoming look behind the dark hood as his wing were calmly folded* ah hello lily's friend,what do you need?

( we'll that can be relatable <:')
sometimes i argue with my siblings with stuff <:'D )
Draven: *he was sweating a little but kept his normal grin up as he chuckled* well um- *he was in thought but nodded* yes she is very ill
Nekros: *his red pupils bright up a bit as he stood up from his chair with his wing spreading a bit and walks towards him* i see..we'll i'm sure i'll give her a call. due to me feeling your nervousness.

( yiikes o-o' )
Nekros: *his bright red pupils looks down to val,he hummed in response distoredly,and had his calm look back behind the dark hood* alright then. i believe you two. you are dismiss. *he went back to sit on his chair and continue to read his big book* and please close the door while you're at it.

Nekros: *his red pupils glowed as he knelt down to her height as his wings were calmly folded* then tell me..why're you so dressed up? you know how i am with lying.
Lily: *she was sweating as she tries to figure out what to say with her bunny ears perking down* i-i was visiting my doctor
Draven: *he quickly goes by her side as he had his normal grin and bowed his head* it is true sir,i was with her before i had to do something

( same as well o-o' )
Nekros: *he felt her nervousness including draven's and hummed distoredly as he was slowly losing his calmness* you both are lying to your own boss. as for that,your hours has been doubled. i advise you not to do this again. ever. no dates. no hangouts. during work days.
Lily: *her eyes widen of him already knowing then glares at him with her bunny ears perking down* h-how did you- you can't be serious sir!

Nekros: *his red pupils glowed as he slowly felt val's emotions then tilt his head* what frightens you little human?
Lily: you leave him alone! *she went infront of nekros with a glare as her bunny ears perk up* and stop going through his head with your d-dumb p-powers!
Draven: *he went by val and held his hand as he still had his head down with a normal grin*

Draven: *he chose to pick up val then takes him inside lily's house then heads to the living room and lays him onto the couch* that was good teleporting buuut it can be regretful *he chuckled as he had a grin*
Lily: you heard me. and you know what? i quiet. i don't want to work for you. *she gives a glare up to nerkos and was about to throw a punch but her fist was instantly caught* !!
Nekros: *he leans his head down to lily with his red pupils glowing more as he held a metal grip* quit? i'm afraid it's too late. you already agree to be in the rival. keep this up and there'll be consequences.

Draven: should i go with him? or check on your broken hand? *he gives out a small grin to her as he raise a brow behind the hood*
Lily: leave val with nekros..and i think i still feel a broken bone *she groans in pain and went inside with a painful look*
Nekros: *he was sitting in his chair reading his big book as his red pupils glitch while glowing as his wing were calmly folded*

Rival guard: *they stopped infront of a tall door then opens the door for val and walks back to their work* enjoy your meeting.
Nekros: *he hears the door open while he was reading his big book as his wing were calmly folded* you may come in. whatever it is you want to talk about. it's already done.

Nekros: *he hummed in response distoredly as his wing were calmly folded* no i'm not alright if that's what she's wondering. the past is slowly crawling up to me. my wing is acting weirdly and it stings me. my day is slowly gone to hell. *his tone was surprisingly calm as he tilt his head* is that all the answer you wanted to hear?

Lily: *she was eating some ice-cream fudge as her hand was in a cast with her bunny ears perking up* you think val will be alright with nekros?
Draven: hmmm,yeah since i'm pretty sure the boss will always be answering any questions..except sensitive ones..weelll it depends what question you told him to tell nekros

Lily: *seeing val not using teleporting,she raise a brow to draven with a smile* pretty sure he's not gonna use teleportation,go help him out
Draven: alright *he chuckled then teleported in the rival base,seeing axton,he raise a brow to him as he grinned* hey you seen a mask human walking by any chance ax?
Axton: *he burst out laughing a little as he raise a brow to him with his wings calmly folded* a human? why i highly doubt there's any human here draven. though i might help you find them in exchange of helping me with something.

Draven: oh val,this is commander axton,and don't mind his mean charms that's just how he could say he is a friend but i highly doubt it *he chuckled once more as his pupils brighten up a bit while he grinned* oh anyhow what is it you need help?
Axton: *he ignores val's stare as he had his eyes on draven while he put his hands behind his back* i know this is a risk but i need you to be in the villins place..pretend you're new as a servant,guard,or whatever..i have a feeling they're hiding something important

Draven: ah i will buni *he pecks val's forehead before teleporting in the villin's hiding building*'s a building?
Julie: *seeing draven,her eyes sparkled with a grin slowly creeping up,she rushes to him and studies him* who on earth are you?! wowie you look so cool! are you a model?! oh wait- what am i saying?! ofcourse you are! are you new?

Draven: um yeah? i'm new in this place mind sho- *his pupils widen of julie holding his face,he quickly moves away* geez lady,ever heard of personal space?
Julie: oopsie- sorry about that! it's just very exciting to see new workers in the villin's place! i'm julie villin and no i'm not the head leader here..i wish,but luckily it's night time! so you can come back tomorrow for a tour! you can bring in a friend if you want!

Draven: alright *he chuckled as he held val's hand before teleporting in the villins hideout building,the guards notice them but paid no mind as they went back to their duties*
Julie: *she took off her clown mask with a bored look,seeing draven,she gasp excitedly and sprints towards him with a big grin* hello model guy! it's nice to see you again! and uh- whose this friend of yours? oh wait- is he new too?! ah! this is great!

Julie: *she didn't mind his quietness as she smiled brightly,she looks to draven and raise a brow* do you want to meet the gang? i'm sure they will love to meet you guys! though some of them are not here today's a bummer and trust me,it gets so boring! *she walks through the hall happily as she looks around for any of the gang members*
Draven: sure and gee,that's sad to hear *he chuckled as he followed her while he had his normal grin still*

Julie: *she sees lilith then smiled brightly once more as she goes to him happily* heya lilith! i want you to meet draven and val! they're new to the place!
Draven: *he narrowed his eyes to lilith as he could've sworn he met him but shakes the thought away as he had a normal grin* it's nice to meet you
Lilith: *he looks up from his book then tilt his head at draven as he let his journal levitate and written itself as he had an emotionless look behind the mask* 'hello.'

Lilith: *his eyes squint to draven and tilt his head once more as he had an amused emotionless look behind the mask* 'have we met before? you look familiar to the guy who was with a bunny woman. that accidentally set the fireworks at a store. or was it on purpose?
Draven: yes that was me with her and it was an accident *he chuckled as he remember that time while grinning* though it was her fault for setting the fireworks too close with the others

Draven: oh? well okay then,whose the most that we may want to meet? *he raise a brow behind the hood down to julie as he grinned normally*
Julie: mister big meanie is the most that you may want to meet *she smiles brightly up to him then walks through the halls* i think he's at the kitchen cooking up dinner but i'm sure he has time!

Julie: *she sees atlas making crepes which her eyes sparkled from the looks of it while smiling,she cleared her throat* hey atlas,this is draven and val!
Atlas: *he turn his eyes to the two and hummed in response as he focuses on cooking* Привет,is very nice to meet you both *he continues to flip the crepes then puts them on a plate while having a serious look* i see дурачок was being too excited to meet you both yes?

( oh lmao- )
Julie: hey! *she didn't like that nickname as she pouted while now crossing her arms* i ain't that! i'm smart enough to know what you're cooking!
Draven: yes she was *he nodded to atlas with a grin as he chuckled*
Atlas: *he looks down to val then raise a brow as he put the plate of crepes down onto the counter table and starts preparing to cook a steak* why he no talk? is he mute like nightmarish?

( no the first one was meant for hello but the second one is right lol x) )
Julie: *she whispers to atlas 'he's shy to talk' while having a smile then grabs the plate of crepes and hands it to val*
Atlas: ah that explains alot *he hummed in response and went back to cook the steak as he had a serious look* there is nothing for me to say anything for i am busy cooking
Draven: *he gives out a curt nod then heads out the kitchen while he had a normal grin*

( not a problem ^^ )
Draven: *he waits for them to catch up patiently as he had a normal grin* anything else for us to know?
Julie: no- oh wait! you can sleep here if you two would like! we got loads of guest rooms you can stay in if you can't pay the bills or don't got no where to stay *she walks through the halls then towards an elevator happily with draven following*

( <:')) )
Draven: eh i suppose i'll stay for a while *he chuckled as he grins down to julie* though this seems to be a comforting room to be in
Julie: *she giggled with him as she smiled brightly* that's great to hear! well i'll be in a few rooms away from you in case if you need anything! *she walks through the halls happily then into her pink room*

( ah sorry for not replying,was hanging out w/ my family <:D )
Atlas: oh? what place you were going to? *he raise a brow with a small smile* i can tell guard to guide you
Draven: *he continue his walk through the halls and sees a something that shocked him behind the hood,he goes towards it then examines* that explains alot about nekros..

Seth: *he raise a brow at draven with an emotionless look as he narrowed his eyes* You must be draven i presume? My trustful comrades told me that a friend of yours was being suspicious in the halls by the secret door and went off. What happened?
Draven: *he grins normally as he bowed his head with his hands behind his back* why he went off to get some fresh air mister villin,nothing else happened. besides..he's still not used to meet new your comrade kind of pressured him..

( i don't mind <B) )
Seth: Alright. I'll believe you this time. But if i find that you are lying to us villins. You will be executed for his actions. *he still had an emotionless look as he glared at draven* Got it? Or do i need to repeat myself again?
Draven: *his grin widens more then sighed in a fake way as he walks towards him with his head up* oh i do apologize if i make your day worst than ever mister villin *he sees a photo of seth and someone which cause him to have his grin more*

( ah alrighty <:D )
Draven: *he goes by seth then had his glove claw hand onto seth's shoulder while he grinned* though it must've been hard without someone you loved. i can see the broken and lonesome in you mister villin. *he patted his shoulder as he walks out his office* hope your day goes better.
Seth: *he was shock of what draven said and sighed as he shook his head with an emotionless look while he looked down with a glare* Just get out of my office please. I don't want to hear any of it.

Draven: *he gives out a curt nod with a grin and teleported into nekros's office with his head bowed* mister rival? may i ask you something?
Nekros: *he looked up from writing a spell then nodded behind the hood as he closed his big book with his wing calmly folded* you may ask away..i have all day to answer your questions in need

Draven: what happened to your other wing? *he raise a brow with his normal grin as he had his head up*
Nekros: *he still had a calm look behind the hood then stood up from his chair and looked out the window with his clawed hands behind his back* i..was betrayed by an ex lover of mine,they've snapped it off so crudely when they blacked me out with that horrid drink..*he sighed distoredly as his red pupils glowed while his wing flicked*..please never speak of this again draven. for i am too heartbroken to repeat it once more..

( hello and i'm doing good ^^ <B) )
Axton: did you find anything that will be useful to collect from them? *he raise a brow to draven as his wings were calmly folded* i must know so i could send my troops after it
Draven: *he didn't want to remember what he saw in the secret room as he had his normal grin* just some of nekro's spell books,magic containers,and gadgets they've stolen

( that's good to hear :00 <:D )
Draven: *he gives out a curt nod of understanding as he grinned while he had his hands behind his back* anything else i must do?
Axton: *he thought for a moment as his eyes glowed a bit then shook his head no to him as he sighed* for now no..nothing needs to be settle except to find out who caused this to our leader being weaken.

( ah that's good to hear :00 <B) )
Draven: *he saw val about to doze off and chuckled as he smiled then ruffled his head* you should take some rest *he used he teleportation to lily,seeing her,he gives out a grin*
Lily: *she notices draven and waves at him with a smile as her bunny ears perk up* hello draven

Draven: it's nice to see you in a good mood today *he chuckled as he grinned while he walks to her,seeing evan,he raise a brow behind the hood with an amused look*
Lily: *she sees evan and smiled brightly as her bunny ears perked up* oh! this is evan draven he's a friend and ofcourse he always go to parties late at night
Evan: *he gives out a wave to draven as he gives out a robotic chuckle* yeeup that's me and it's nice to meet you draven,maybe someday we can crash at a party or do some pranks

Draven: it's nice to meet you too as well evan *he grinned at evan with an amused look* we'll i must be going though it seems to be quite..boring on not to do anything
Evan: gee i feel ya it really sucks on not to do anything and just sit there *he shrugged to draven as he puts his robotic hands into his pocket* i'd only go to parties just to make everybody's day though lily here just wanted my help with something

( hiya hallo <:D ^^ )
Draven: *he raise a brow behind the hood at axton with his normal grin while he had his hands behind his back* yes? something happened?
Axton: i've send my troops,they've found something that's truly shocking *he shivered as he was creeped out about it but shakes it off with a frustrated sigh* but we were too late to retrieve it but only the stuff that has been stolen from us rivals

( i'm doing well today ^^
and you? ;:0 )
Draven: *he pretends he didn't knew and had a fake surprise look as his pupils brighten up* what was it they've found before they got caught?
Axton: ..*he looked away with a glare as his wings flicked while he now crossed his arms* our leaders other was horrifying and disturbing to look at..i'm guessing they kept it there to make sure nekros never uses his powers..making him vulnerable

( that's good to hear ^^ )
Draven: *he still pretends to have a shock look* oh my..that's unfortunate to hear..did you manage to retrieve it?
Axton: *he shook his head with a disappointment look while his wings flick* sadly no..nekros doesn't know about it..but i'm afraid we're gonna have to keep it a secret for now..

( indeed indeed! ^^ <B)) )
Draven: you sure that's really a good idea commander? *he raise a brow behind the hood as he grinned normally* don't think he'll be so happy
Axton: oh please i highly doubt he'll ever get mad *his wings were calmly folded while he crossed his arms* but besides that,i'm not sure how to get his wings back due to the villins putting more guards in their little secret room

( alrighty ^^
and sorry if i wasn't replying alot i had to help my dad with something- )
Axton: *he flinch as he felt nekro's presence behind him then turns around with a calm but yet nervous look* hello mister rival,how may i help you?
Nekros: oh there's no need but a simple question axton *he chuckled distoredly as his pupils stared at him while his wing were calmly folded* i notice but heard that you've found something from the villins..i wanted to know what was in there

( hiya hallo ^^ and thank you for understanding- )
Axton: *his spine shiver from his dead stare but kept his cool as he had a small calm look to him* just some important stuff that the villins have stolen
Nekros: *he narrowed his eyes behind the dark hood while his wing flicked* like what commander?

( indeed ^^' and yeah quite frankly lmao <:') )
Axton: *he bowed his head as he still had his small calm look while his wings were twitching from being nervous* your spell books and some of the rival's weapons..that's all we've saw your grace
Nekros: *he raise a brow behind the dark hood then felt him being nervous which his red pupils glowed while hummed distoredly* there's something else you are hiding from your own leader..please don't hide something that's important.
Draven: *he mumbled an 'hoo boy' as he grinned normally a bit while he still had his hands behind his back*

( he really doesn't lol and indeed <:') )
Nekros: *he was slowly starting to get irritated and turns his head slowly to draven with his eyes narrow* draven what did his comrades saw in there? i want to know this instant.
Axton: *his eyes widen as he bowed his head still which cause his wings to twitch more*
Draven: *he turns his head to axton and gives him a look then looks back to nekros with a normal grin* they've found your other wings your grace. but it was too late to retrieve it before the villins guards came in and ambush them.

( alrighty ^^ )
Nekros: *he had a surprise look behind the hood then gives out a curt nod with his wing calmly folded* ..thank you for telling me'll be heading somewhere where i need to be alone..axton you're in charge of keeping the base secure *he didn't have the power to teleport as he just walks through the halls to the exit of the base*
Axton: *he looked up to draven with a glare but just shook his head as his wings were calmly folded and looked away as he was in thought*...
Draven: *he notice this and grinned more with a chuckle* well don't look at me like that,he had to know and i'd rather not deal with his punishments if i didn't tell out the truth commander

Axton: *he had an idea which cause him to go back his serious look at draven* you'll be the one to retrieve those wings,since you seem so 'excited' to go back the villins
Draven: wha? *he had a shock look but grinned anyways as he shrugged* alright then *he teleported in the villins building then goes in his ghost form and starts walking through the halls*

Draven: *he chuckled darkly as he looks down at the knock out guard and was form as a guard with a grin behind the helm then walks in the secret room* pretending sure is fun~ *seeing the wings,he carefully opened the glass door,he ignored the whispers in his ears as the wings spread up and vanished*

Draven: *he heard a gun cock and turns his head to one of the guard which cause him to grin more then had his hands up*
Guard: *they give out a glare to draven behind the helm while they held the gun* Traitor! What have you done?! Don't you realize that mister villin will be on your head for this?! *their breathing hitches as he sees him teleport infront of them while shaking their grip onto the gun*

Draven: *he was still grinning and chuckled darkly as he tilt his head* what're you waiting for? go ahead and shoot little mortal~ i'd sure love to see some blood pouring~
Guard: *their eyes widen behind the helm and clench their teeth in anger as they pulled the trigger,only for the bullet to go through draven's ghostly chest* w-what? b-but- *they were knock out by draven's sucker punch and fell to the ground with the gun loosen from their grip*

( yeah lmao and got knock the heck out x) )
Draven: *he grinned as he looks down at the knocked out guard then sighed as he ignores the alarms blaring and teleported back to axton* it's done. though the wings vanished which i'm guessing it went to nekros.
Axton: *he hummed in response as his wings were calmly folded and had a smile as his eyes glowed* excellent work draven..i'm sure nekros would be thrilled to have his wings back again..

( alrighty ^^ )
Draven: *he gives out a curt nod while he grinned then raise a brow behind the hood at axton* anything else i need to do?
Axton: yes i need you to patrol around rival territory since i know you get bored when doing go on *he chuckled at draven's look as he walks to his office*