Nun-Uh { Practice }
Protagonist 2
idk background thingy
i miss u Eli :(
A flight into the unknown
hi so i rant about being a gir
04.09.2020 20:15
04.09.2020 20:22
Link-if a girl doesnt want kids, apperently its bad?
- no children means, "you need to go church"
- "eVeRy wOmAn wAnTs cHilDrEn" or " a wOmAns PuRopSe iN lIfE iS tO hAvE kIdS"
- expected to like being a girl
- expected not to complain about the "End of the month" and preggo
- expected to want a bf (or your preference)
- apparently if a guy likes a girl, that's ok, but if a girl likes a guy, no its bad????
- (if a girl gets preggo, she will be looked down on, but the guy gets nothing???!?! so your telling me, you didn't feel the same thing towards someone?)
- pressing yeet the fetus (even if it was r@pe?!?!) is bad, but if a guy runs away, its ok?
- crushes are bad for woman to have but guys on the other hand
- liking skirts and dress is feminine
- liking video games is bad for girls blah blah blah
- your expected to like girly things
- not getting disgusted by gore etc means ur werid
04.09.2020 20:25
Link- not wanting a relationship is bad?
- so if a guy decides to um beat and then a girl does it
your now all the names in the book???????
- yall cant understand girls are going through puberty then yell at them for doing the exact same thing as a guy----
- stupid Niagara falls at the end of the month
- a girl is expected to dress up all nice but guys dont have to.
04.09.2020 21:38
LinkTrue I used to want to be a boy because of all of those