how does this make sense?
04.09.2020 13:08
Linki literally help my parents use a computer.
so my mother was doing something and she needed to find the save button, they called me over from my room, I could not find the save button and they call me stupid
04.09.2020 13:11
Linkthen my dad goes on to say, you need to watch your sis, on how to upload and save files (?)
on a work thing
not some other thing
a work thing
why and how would i know how to correctly do something work related (not school) without possibly messing something up then they yell at me???
04.09.2020 13:12
Linki know how save/upload files
but theeennnnn my dad calls me stupid when HE LITERALLY DOESNT KNOW HOW TO USE A COMPUTER!???!!?!
04.09.2020 13:18
Linkthen they say your rotting your brain by being on the computer blah blah blah
-i have friends but-
- i dont have their numbers either
- i dont have a phone
- they would get mad for me having male friends???? i get why but??
- i can never go to sleepovers etc (even without corna)
- i cant go to someones/friends house
- I probably cant go somewhere by myself either
- i literally cannot go trick-or-treating and i dont even get a make-up for it
- if i talked to a boy they would get so pisssed
- buntchofothercrap
- they also want me to watch something "better"
think im going to watch "educational" videos in my FREE TIME AT HOME?
i just watch cringe comps etc
04.09.2020 13:19
Linkeven if the guy apporached me first they would still get mad)
04.09.2020 13:19
they need help with phones/computers then they get mad at me for not knowing how to do a single thing
04.09.2020 13:20