cat ears【猫耳朵qq2343979678
Red Panda!
An entire scene from Felidae
the strangest (strange cat)
Rolling Davo
Small Animation #2
24.11.2020 20:32
LinkOkie dokie so you was just makin your way down town with roy bcyou thought it would be the perfect chance to show him around a bit since he's a l w a y s a t h o m e so yea you passed by an alley way but didn't pay much attention bc its j u s t a n a l l e y w a y but after a few minutes you didn't hear anything from roy-,like he would usually just ve asking question after question about most things bc thats just what he does when he sees something new but rn he just p o o f e d-,so uh you went looking for him and walked passed the alleyway that you ignored from before and see uh- t h a t.wwyd?
*cough* use an oc
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riley:stop being silly.roy doesn't even know what hate IS.all he gonna do is sleep it off and he won't even remember why he even felt that way in the first place! i know that from experience uvu but still..tell me what happened...pleasee i don't wanna leave you alone..not after what i saw you were about to do..