Why me


03.02.2020 02:09
Linkwhat's wrong? :(

So we r moving and we have one day to have all our shit packed (my parents shit to be exact) and I was in the basement packing while the rest of my family took a break. I went upstairs to sit down to get a breather and my mom yells at me saying to get off my ass and help. I almost wanted to scream “RIGHT BACK AT YA *****” but ofc if I said that she would ****ing knock me out. Yay my mom has anger issues. Later my dad said to stop standing around and help Bc I didn’t know what to do. Yay I feel like an asshole. Once again I try to take a break and I’m scolded by my whole family about how they r doing everything and I’m not doing shit. I want to kill myself

That's like me to!! When ever I'm cleaning and ma mom comes to check on me she doesn't realize the parts I cleaned already and yells at me so ig it kinda alike? But plz don't kill yourself T^T