another warrior cats oc
Darth Vader Star Wars
>Gift for Landon<3<
Baby Darwin
reach for the stars
Cotton Candy Skies
cuptoast my beloved
Rey wolf (I.N.N.O.C.E.N.T type
05.02.2021 01:55
LinkIdk why but i was bored sooooooo yeh
05.02.2021 02:37
LinkBtw dont spam "WhAT iS ThE InOcCeNT YoUR TaLkInG AbOuT" well- the inoccent is something/somewhere with animals that live in 3 tribes the first one is the mountain tribe with dark creatures aka the animals who dont atack the second one is the Sky tribe with bright animals that atack if they think your a threat the third one is the Sun tribe with pastel animald who take care of the forest,the three tribes eatch have leaders the mountain tribe has a leader named Dusk witch means night nighthe is a leader with strong and brith fur and his words can hipnotize you but wont hurt you the the leader of the sun tribe is dawn witch means day a beautifull pastel rise tail who loves all the sky tribe has a leader named Skit a young but strong leader. who With words who can command all, differant animals live in the tribes until a war came but thats a story for another tale anyways baiii