

09.05.2021 20:39
LinkI love the scale work! And the shading is amazing! overall just a beautiful peace!

12.05.2021 14:09
LinkThanks for Feedback:)))

14.05.2021 14:26
LinkOk i liked but check this m8 ey?

14.05.2021 14:34

since you came to advertise to my post i decided to critique your work, dont take it too seriously:
the head of the dragon should be more tilted or more up. right now the neck looks unnatural. the left wing from the viewer should be more visible and locate in the top left, similar fashion you did with the hands. the abs are quite wrong perspective wise, the lines that are vertical should be almost horizontal. the dragon also doesnt cast any shadow or seem to have any weight considering its standing on a snow. not sure if thats mistake or choise, could be that the dragon is only a fragment of the viewers imagination. piece could generally use harder shadows and brighter highlights. another thing is that the dragon blends in the background and thats not really good. this could be fixed with the added highlights. i wont go to the cliff since its not the focus of the piece.
that said, the pose even with its mistakes is very dynamic and the dragons design is good. keep practising!