Bad Contest entry :D


24.11.2018 23:11
LinkOk gimme a sec to explain this (because nighteye us to say how it works)

24.11.2018 23:16
LinkThe theme of my OC (wich is now a robot) is the 1920s. Idk how exactly to describe my oc without making it sound cheesy. I mean, by looking at the robot version of my oc.... MABE you can understand the inspiration? I guess the less cringey way of describing them is like the mad hatter

24.11.2018 23:22

24.11.2018 23:24
LinkHHhhHhHhHHhHH this is embarrassing to talk about.
I won’t go into details because whenever I type how it works, it just comes out sounding cringey. I’ll just describe it strieght to the point I guess. The orb in the middle is kind of it’s power source and also it’s weak spot, it has those weird spider leg thingies to go fast and travel (see what I meant by my describing is cringey?), the glowing eye thing controls a physic power thing.
Before you say it’s basic and unoriginal, I’ll have you know that I’m just shitty with wording. In my head it all makes sense and there are lots of details and facts. I just can’t describe it in a way that makes it sound like a toddler didn’t design it.

24.11.2018 23:34
LinkI’ll talk about the OC that it’s based off of actually
Their name is Gamble and their theme is.. well, gambling. They have a classy and somewhat elegant(?) 1920s design. They’re acatlly a villain for a story I have in my head. They are mysterious and manipulative, and they attack with their cards. They can also use their powers to do things like teleport, levitate, and move things around. They usally make deals or as they call it “gambles” with people. Anyways that’s the best I can describe my OC.

24.11.2018 23:36
LinkI guess you could say that they’re a more edgy female version of bill cipher