


Brandon Lee - The Crow


Let's get this to 100 likes?

he has a name! andadndsheet-


24.11.2020 13:45
Linki really did spend a shit ton of time on him doh-
i first had him as a druid and then said "mm no" then made him a cleric and went "mm no" then a ranger then i went "mm no" then back to druid then i went "mm no" then ranger druid multiclass and went "mm no" then i landed on wizard rouge multiclass.

24.11.2020 13:55
Linkhere is his sheet and uhh it makes me mad that you cant see traits and shit like that so those are
"Personality Traits: My favor, once lost, is lost forever.
My eloquent flattery makes everyone I talk to feel like the most wonderful and important person in the world.
If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name, and salt your fields.
Ideals: Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family.
Bonds: The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.
Flaws: By my words and actions, I often bring shame to my family."

24.11.2020 13:59
Link(and im aware that he doesnt have some of the best choices in the game and whatnot. i dont try to make the best op character out there and whatnot, i mae what feels like them. and if they do feel like a crazy op character, ill make them that, but that isnt Veldrin)