wwyd´s (lmt)


16.03.2021 16:06
LinkA)So u was just walking in the city,minding your own business until u bumped into collin,who still had his work clothes on so it looked like he just got off.u decided to walk home with him so u could hangout and stuff bc u really had nothing better to do.so u guys r just walking and talking to each other about whatever.Collin was about to say something to you but then paused for a moment like he realised something then he suddenly got shot from behind,making him fall forward and having all the peeps who were around u guys scream and run away.
B)u was looking around this abandoned thrift store for interesting things and found this doll that was the size of a little boy laying in the middle of the aisle you were walking in.you got curious and picked it up,staring at it for a bit and then suddenly,pupils appeared in the doll´s eyes and it looked up at you.
use an oc