"Just Breathe"


15.06.2021 21:52
LinkHeya, guys! I know I haven’t posted in awhile, but I have been online. My point is that I’ve noticed FA has been a bit dead, and, even though this post might flop, I wanted to challenge you guys!
If you do happen to read this, I challenge you to pick out your favorite songs, create a playlist, and listen to it on repeat. I know, I know-- It could get annoying, but if you just try it out and feel the music, you may just find inspiration. You don’t even have to think! Just listen to the music and a whole world can be created--sounds, feelings, and even smells. You can create an amazing piece right from that part of your soul that interacts with music. You are my fellow artists, so I know you’ll be able to do this. And this is supposed to be fun! Just let go, and draw to the music.
P.S. This is not a contest, just something I’d really like to see from you guys. I know FA is really quiet right now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak up. Attach your finished pieces in the comments; I’d love to see them!

15.06.2021 21:52
LinkOh, and don’t be afraid to share the music you like--My preferences range from pop to folk to rock <3 Cya!

just came back from the hospital after seeing this, wth?
I've never seen u before i think and this is amazingggg what?