With StarClan Now.(Yellowfang)
27.03.2018 19:41
One of the reasons i cried when she died, was not only she was my favorite character, But she had friends that loved her, Thinking about it, Picture you're best friend, Imagine they died.
That's how Runningnose, CinderPelt, Etc. Felt about her death.
They cared about her, And they just were not ready to let her go.
You may not agree that it was SO sad, But like i said, If you were Runningnose or one of them, Having someone you love Leave when you didn't even have the chance to say goodbye, Or have one last talk Hurts.
Rest well with Starclan Yellowfang, You were appreciated by any, May starclan have you in good paws.
27.03.2018 19:52
LinkRIP Yellowfang -n-