look im sorry ok


10.07.2018 00:02
LinkI'm like why? Then I scrolled and saw the knife and I'm like OH DANG!

10.07.2018 00:04
Linkplease just help me out im to weak to even type
go to my mission thingy and help me out please
everyone hates me now and I just need help

10.07.2018 00:05

10.07.2018 00:06
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10.07.2018 00:06
LinkI need a army I'm gonna make videos and send it to everyone!!!
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10.07.2018 00:16
LinkI don't care I was in a rush

its really hard to have sympathy for someone who is whining because they dont like that people dont appreciate being harassed
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ok this is going to be off of the top of my head but ive sent the DSM criteria to kids so many times i know it pretty ok
there are 3 main criteria: lack of interest in things that would make you happy, suicidal ideation, and depressed mood
there are other criteria too, and you have to have 5 out of 7 in order to be diagnosed (i think). these include negative thoughts about yourself (to the point of potential delusion), and i cant remember any others orz
these symptoms have to be present for 3+ weeks for it to be considered a major depressive episode
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look im sorry I got a lit- a lot carried away...….. its just that I do think its funny at times, but ive been wanting to do that for a while, and since a lot of ppl hate me already I though I would just do it
but now even more ppl hate me
so I really apologize about my actions,
it was completely wrong
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Okay, I know that none of this is really my business, but I'd kind of like to help sort this out, if you don't mind. If it's not okay with you, I'll leave. Alright? So from what I've seen from here is that you made what you call 'harmless jokes' and didn't get off from the animation when they asked you to, and afterwards you apologized. It's good that you apologized, but maybe you shouldn't have made those jokes in the first place, right? It's okay if you didn't know the first few times, but after you do know, you shouldn't make it, ok? After a little, you noticed people starting hating on you, and that led you to your 'depression'. Honestly speaking, I believe that you were just in a depressed mood sometimes because of their reaction. If you weren't, I'm sorry for assuming. Later on, you made this to try to sort things out (I'm assuming you did, if you didn't, please correct me),and in the last comment you left, you said you didn't mind SmilingNyan, but everybody else.

If it's because of everyone else's reactions, maybe you shouldn't be upset at them, because they were either trying to help you or telling you they didn't like it and you should've stopped, which you did.
I'm happy you stopped, and that this matter is (from the looks of it) over. Again, sorry this isn't my business and I seem to be butting in, I just want to try and help and understand you. If this matter is already over, I'm glad, and once I know for sure I'll drop it. Thank you for your time.