FlipAnim MAP: OPEN
10.08.2020 15:57
Linkscooter says the text gives scooter beaststars vibes
10.08.2020 16:13
Linkomg you're right o.o
Alright, so.... This song is PRETTY popular on YouTube, especially for like- animation memes and stuff. Some of the animations I've seen for this tell a whole story using the whole song, which gave me the idea for this MAP.
You can use actual characters from any game, show, movie, etc.
Or you can use OCs
Here are the parts:
1. Intro (The other parts cannot be done without this start)
2. I feel bad, I feel stupid
3. I feel useless past the blame
4. Like my life is a constant freaking
5. (continue 4 with own character)horse chase on a train
6. If it's me, I don't know
7. But I sure feel so alone
8. And the reason I mistreat me
9. Is not feeling self assured
10. Tell me, freaking tell me all the lies you tell yourself
11. *music* Lies you tell yourself
12. *music* Lies you tell yourself
13. I have goals, I have standards
14. Why are those not set from me
15. It's like a voice inside my head
16. (continue 15 with own character)is saying I should not feel glee
17. Don't be happy with what
you have
18.Don't be stoked with who you are
19.And just act like you're a pathetic
20.Little dust ball in the wind
21.*music* Lies You tell yourself
22.*music* Lies you tell yourself
23.Tell me freaking tell me all the lies you tell yourself
24.That your worth is just a compromise
25.You made to lose your true self
26.*music* Lies you tell yourself (mine)
27.*music* Lies you tell yourself
And those are all the parts. Please make sure that when you are finished with your part that you submit it on this page, or else it won't be counted.
Also, forgot what I said about part 1. You can just make the intro.
The limit of parts able to be taken is 2, no more than that, and they can't be right next to each other. Make sure that every part is a separate animation as well.
Do not claim a part if you have no way to make it into a file.