Some wwyd's for u 😄


13.02.2021 16:30
LinkA)So ur oc was once again babysitting tiffany's kids but there wasn't much work since the kids had to go to school so that onl left you with cleffa[she's homeschooled]and roy[he don't go to school].So after a few hours the children started rolling in :D except for randy.He took a little longer than everyone else and u started to get worried but then he walked in and was covering his could tell something was wrong bc his skin was a blueish purple[he was sad and scared]
B)so ur roommate carlos was up early and woke u up with some food that he was cooking[hnn breakfast sandwich]u follow da smell and saw that he was indeed cooking something[he's on a chair].hhh ur hungry and don't know if u should ask him or not bc ur afraid he'll say no bc he's a rude boyo.(this is like a week after taking his anger management classes)
[Still typing]

13.02.2021 16:31
Link(A long one)
C)So there was this talent show at ur highschool right?Idk if u were attending in it or not but eh.So u seen different stuff at the talent show.Ppl doing magic tricks,ppl playing songs,ventriloquists,and all sorts of other things.U knew that ur friend lola was gonna play a song on her flute bc she was practicing with you for like-2 weeks.So uh-when the judges was calling her name and she didn't come out,you knew something was up and went in the back to find her panicking and she was sitting in a corner.
D)u were babysitting Isabella bc zenaku needed a break from her.u turned ur head for one second and looked back to find isabella gone.
E)So u was just making ur way down town,walk ing fa st-and u see homeless pigeon girl Tera sitting on a piece of cardboard that said "hungry" on it and there was an empty can infront of her.[nobody really acknowledged her]

13.02.2021 16:31
LinkOk wwyd?
Use an oc

you get to choose the Oc cuz im friggin tired-))
a btw)
insert whoever you choose; child are you ok- i will supply you with a f f e c t i o n -

.-. Okay- A, B, and C)
William noticed how Randy was covering his face and he raised a brow, walking over to arrays and kneeling down in front of him. “Are you alright?”
Andy looked at Carlos and felt nervous to ask if she could have some because of how angry he would get. She slowly walked over. “Um.. Could I have some?”
A young girl with black hair and white hair had known Lola from her friend Issac since he loved her but since Issac was sick he made her wasn’t to take a video and a few photos of Lola playing. But since she didn’t see her she felt worried. So the girl went in the back and saw Lola panicking. “Hey! Are you okay?” She asked, running over to her.

Eheteehd yay 😌)
Randy kept his face covered and nodded"u-um y-ea!!i-i'll h-head t-t-to my r-oom now!"he seemed to be in a hurry and tried to walk around william.
Carlos didn't look at him"I already made you something you poop head-..It's in the microwave."his tail go wag a bit and he continued cooking HIS food.
Lola was wearing light blue dress that went down to her knees and had le dress shoes on?no heels tho.she shook her head and teared up a bit"i-i-i can't go out there-i-i-it's too many p-people out there-w-what if i mess up?!"

His brows furrowed and he looked at him. “Randy. Let me see your face.” He spoke in a clam but serious tone.
She nodded slowly. “Thank you.” And then leaned against the counter until her food would be done heating up in the microwave.
(Oh shit I thought it was slime lady I’m just going to change it to Raylnn real quick)
Ralynn looked at Lola. “It’ll be okay I promise you. You’re great at playing and if yo7 mess up it’s fine! This is just for fun.”

"H-ha!i-it's f-fine l-lemme just get to my room first!"he kept his face covered"
Alexa was looking at randy like he was crazy"dude just let him see your face!you can't get to your room if you can't see!"
Sherly spoke up bc this had happened before"did those scary guys at school beat you up again?"
Randy got even more nervous"N-NO!I-I JUST-"
Carlos finished making his food and then put it on a plate and walked out of the kitchen,leaving the chair where it was.
Microwave go beep
She started taking deep breathes"y-you're right..i need to calm down..b-but..i-i didn't know there would be t-that many people..."she looked away a bit

William raised a brow and he felt a bit angered. “Wait.” He looked at Sherly. He started and then looked at Randy’s. “Randy. Have kids been beating you up at school?”
She open Seth door and took out the breakfast sandwich with the plate it was on. Soon closing the door and she followed him.
They laughed a bit. “Yeah. I get the stage fright feeling since I play violin and I have had to play in front of a lot of people too.”

His skin just went dark blue and he didn't say anything"........."
Sherly looke away a bit"i guess they told us that they were your friends tho!"
"Some friends..tch.."alexa walked into da kitchen
He sat on the couch and turned on the tv,Which was kinda unusual bc he usually eats at the dining table.
"Wh-what if they don't like my playing..."

William walked over to Randy and pay him on the head gently. “Randy you don’t have to tell me about it but I would just like to know their names.”
She raised a brow but shrugged, sitting next to them. “So.. How have you’ve been?”
“I bet they will love your playing. But if they don’t it’s just an opinion.” Ralynn told her with a small smile.

“C’mon. Let’s get your face cleaned up.” He held his hand out to him, a small frown on his face.
“Alright. I’m glad dying are doing okay.” She spoke and took a bite of her sandwich.
“I believe in you and I bet you will do great. After this I will even get you a treat.” They told her, patting her head gently.

He walked into the kitchen with him and set him down on a stool. “I’m going you some bandages and an aide pack. And then I’m going to call your mom.”
(Shhhh- *glad you are*)
She continued to eat it, thinking it was good. “Delicious.” She mumbled to herself.
They blushed a bit but hugged back. “No problem.”

Cleffa be inf fridge bc hungry"mommy said he wasn't supposed to talk to those guys anymore and that if she found out that he did then he'd be grounded for like-2-3 weeks i forgot-"
He wasn't talking and just kept watching TV"..."
She took deep breathe,and grabbed her flute and walked on stage."..."

“Well I could promise persuade since you’re the victim here Randy.” He sighed and grabbed an icepaxk from the fridge, handing it to him.
She stayed silent, she suddenly picked him up and set him between her legs that were crossed over each other.
Ralynn decide to stand near the entrance to where you walked in, watching her.